The Blood Is Strong


MP3 The Blood Is Strong Music

Blood Is Strong by Capercaillie CD
Capercaillie Releases - Capercaillie

Moja Irlandia Muzyka Capercaillie The Blood is Strong

Capercaillie - Glenfinnan (Songs Of The '45) Review at Musical Discoveries
The band have recorded soundtrack and incidental music extensively. Their 1996 album The Blood Is Stong (SURCD 014) is a compilaton of work done for television and includes tracks from the shows: Highlanders, A Prince Among Islands and the Grampian Television series of the same name as the album The Blood Is Strong. They alsorecorded several tracks for the Rob Roy soundtrack and a single from the soundtrack album entitled "Dark Alan" (SURCD 55) was released by Survival Records in 1995.

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Perhaps you heard them in the film Rob Roy. They have also made soundtracks for television films, including one about the Highland Clearances entitled The Blood Is Strong. A CD by that name has come out featuring Gaelic songs from this and two other TV films, plus a bit of the atmospheric music that has become a part of Capercaillie’s sound, perhaps as a result of their film work.

See Groups: Capercaillie

See Albums: Crosswinds Sidewaulk

See Musicians: Donald Shaw